SOL POD Mobile Studio


Now available for private and group tours in Upper Ojai, CA
To schedule a tour, please CONTACT US

Experience first-hand the spaciousness of SOL POD, Vina’s mobile office! Located in beautiful Ojai in Southern California (near Ventura and Santa Barbara), you will be able to see an example of this mobile studio with innovative space-saving features.

In addition, you will receive one-on-one consultation with Vina Lustado, founder of Sol Haus Design. You may ask as many questions as you’d like – the tour is tailored to your needs. Bring all your questions – we are a full of resources and information!

We will show clever solutions for a tiny space, and discuss panelized systems such as SIPs (structural insulated panels).

Private tours are usually given Friday afternoons from 3:30-5pm. You can contact Vina to confirm availability prior to booking the reservation.

NOTE: We are interested in educating others about the benefits of living tiny. If you are a non-profit, environmental or educational organization, please contact Vina to discuss how we can schedule a tour for you.

Once purchase is made, sorry no refunds are allowed. 


Vina’s house has long been an inspiration of mine. I’ve always thought of it as quite simply the most beautiful tiny house I’d ever seen (in pictures on the internet, of course). But now I can say it really is the most beautiful tiny house I’ve ever seen in person!

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Alek Lisefski

The Tiny Project

Lee (Pera) and I confessed to each other as we were driving to Vina’s that we anticipated we’d have some tiny house envy. We’d seen pictures of Vina’s beautiful home, but of course, Vina’s house can’t really be captured in photos. The feel of her house is splendid! So cozy, such clean lines, such well-thought-out details. Vina’s design aesthetic is fabulous! It was awesome curling up on the comfy bench and falling asleep to the flickering flame of her propane fireplace. I feel very, very lucky to have had the opportunity to stay at Sol Haus. If you ever have the chance to tour this little house, please take it!

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Lina Menard

Niche Consulting

Vina’s tiny house was the first I ever stepped foot in and it is AMAZING!!! I knew instantly that I could live this life. It is beautiful in the pictures but they don’t do it the justice it deserves. It is such a wonderful space. Vina did a fantastic job designing and building her tiny house! She is an amazing host and super knowledgeable about all things tiny.

Annie Hobson

Tiny House Resource